कनकधार स्तोत्रं

कनकधार स्तोत्रं

अंड्गं हरे: पुलकभूषणमाश्रयन्ती ।
भ्ृड्गाड्गनेव मुकुलाभरणं तमालम् ।
अड्गीकृताखिलविभूतिरपाड्गलीला ।
माड्गल्यदा८स्तु मम मड्गलदेवताया: ।।

To the Hari who wears supreme happiness as ornament , the goddess Laksmi is attracted. Like the black bees getting attracted to the unopened buds of black tamala tree , let Her who is the Godess of all good things, grand me a glance that will bring prosperity.

This utube link would give you rre itation by SudhaRamakrishna with English lyrics and meaning.
