Another MalayalaM month of KarkkaTakam (കർക്കടകം), Aadi (ஆடி) in Tamil has arrived. This is also called the Ramayana maasam in MalayalaM. Most of the houses will reverberate the celestial song of Lord Rama during this period. The elders in erstwhile households made it a custom to read it every day after sunset. This might be because that part of the time belong to Lord Vishnu who incarnated as Rama. We as children used to listen the epic with rapt attention. Thus the popularity and freshness of this great poem written by several Indian languages by great poets of those places continued to grow multifold even in this modern world.
Olden days this Aadi month is considered a month of scarcity. A season considered inauspicious by many. This might be because those depended on agriculture went out of job at a time when no other work is given importance. Also it being a rainy season in Kerala KarkkaTakam month is mostly used as an opportunity to rejuvenate body and soul by the farmer families.
God's problems are really human problems. That is why often Gods and Goddesses take various incarnations and live on earth. See the frustrations and agony gone through by Lord Rama as a human being ! The whole purpose was to show us the ideal ways of living as good human beings. Scriptures give a different reason also.
Once during a fight between Devas and Asuras the later lost the battle. In Oder to avenge the defeat Asuras approached Brigu's wife Puloma (Brigu is the son of Bhrahma ). She started penance for eliminating Devas. Worried Devas approached Lord Vishnu for protection. Vishnu severed Puloma's head. Brigu's lost his cool and cursed Vishnu. Lord Vishnu suffered as a result in the form of Rama separated from his wife Sita. May be the natural laws are common for all!
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