Some time back the Left parties who rule Kerala have launched an international hunt to get someone to devise a machine that can pluck coconuts without a person having to clamber up the tall trees. The award declared was 10 lakh rupees. Such is the labour crisis in the state.
The CPI-(M) leaders and its’ government are known for its vehement and violent opposition to machines in agriculture even at the heiht of rice shortage in the state. The extreme scarcity of workforce in the field of agriculture and coconut harvesting is well known. It forced Kerala Government to look for technology to solve the labour shortage.
Public memory is short. Now it is election time. Politicians are going to crack many of the coconut conundrums…!
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ