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Only for general authentic information and not any advice. Check with your own doctors for any information you may need.

It is a known fact that people with diabetes are more prone to infections. From urinary and foot infec-tions to tuberculosis, people with diabetes need to be extra careful about preventing and treating infectious diseases. Covid-19 too has shown to be more severe and likely to lead to increased mortality in people with diabetes.

Dr. V Mohan, Chairman and Chief Diabetologist, Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre at Chennai, offers 4 tips to guard people with diabetes against Covid and prevent complications. He calls this as the ABCD mantra of diabetes management

What is this ABCD mantra?

A stands for A1C or Glycosylated Hemoglobin. HbA1C is a blood test that shows your blood sugar control for the past 3 months. Keeping the A1c below 7% enhances one's immunity multifold.

B stands for Blood pressure. This should preferably be less than 140/90 mm of Hg. This of course can be higher in older people.

C stands for Cholesterol. Serum lipids are measured as serum cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Each of these parameters needs to be kept in control since they contribute to cardiac problems.

D stands for Discipline. This needs a three-fold approach - diet, exercise and medicines. While medicines form an important part of the diabetes control, effective diet and exercise regimen with stress reduction are even more important

HbA1c Should be < 7%

Blood Pressure Should be < 140/90 mm/Hg

Cholesterol Should be within normal limits

Discipline with diets, exercise, stress reduction, no smoking or tobacco consumption and regular followup with your diabetologisit.

What makes Dr. Mohan's Diabetes Specialities Centre (DMDSC) the ideal destination for diabetes care?

Firstly at DMDSC, the treatment methods followed are based on decades of research on diabetes carried out through their sister institution, the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF). Secondly, DMDSC is ranked one of the leading research institutions for Diabetes in India, by several agencies. Thirdly, DMDSC has specialized tests to find out the type of diabetes so that personalized diabetes care or precision diabetes care can be given to each and every person with diabetes. This helps to prevent diabetes complications. Fourthly, several hundred patients treated at DMDSC have crossed 90 years of age and some have celebrated their 100th birthday. Finally,uniform methods of treatment are followed at all 50 branches of DMDSC across India

 For further information please contact: Call: +91 8939110000

