(For Students)
Copyright©2020 P K Raghavan
also known as the Song Celestial.
It is common to
all human beings in the world.
Sri Krishna, the God
incarnate gave out the Gita to Arjuna on the battle field. The war was the
result of ADHARMA (un-righteousness = അധർമ്മം)
DHARMA (Righteousness) had to fight Adharma to
establish itself.
Whatever is stated in the GITA is very important. God, in the form of Krishna, gives us an idea of the spiritual and physical aspects of the human body. It prescribes the duty of everyone. It talks about nature. It narrated about the right action to follow at the right moment besides about control of the mind. It spoke about the results of meditation. It explains why one must cultivate good character. It details about knowing one's defects before finding fault with others, about developing Bhakti, about the value of utter surrender to God dedicating all one's actions to HIM, and about acquiring the wisdom that NOT EVEN AN ATOM WOULD MOVE WITHOUT HIS WILL. Thus, one would find that this scripture contains the different duties of an individual from his birth to death and that one has to do his duty dedicating his actions to the Supreme Being. At the same time, he should never think of the results.
From the Gita one comes to know that desire, greed, ego, pride - if these are overcome, one will have perfect peace of mind. What would be the result? The result one would develop is equanimity of mind and treat the opposites alike. For example joy and sorrow, prosperity and adversity, poverty and affluence, etc.
So the Gita is one of the most authoritative sources of HINDUISM. This truth is known to all sects of the Hindu Religion. This great scripture had studied by people belonging to all religions as it contains eternal truths common to all religions. No wonder GITA is translated into almost all the languages of the world.
Everyone will come across excellent advice in this scripture. Some young students may find certain statements in the text incompatible with their age and mental attainment. It may make them scoff at such things. But my earnest request is that the young student should not stop reading the book simply because things are not either interesting or understandable at the first reading itself. I would stress that our students and youths read and re-read the matter. Then they will be able to discern the essence of the teachings. To give an example, if a 25-year-old young man should read the sentence "Get rid of desire-cultivate renunciation" he is likely to laugh within himself. That should not make him stop reading the matter. Once again, over and over again he should read the matter.
When the same young man enters his fortieth year and reads the same passage he will realize the meaning in a better way, the same when read in his fiftieth or sixtieth year would certainly make him comprehend its implications in the best manner. Why? You may ask. Only a man of wisdom can interpret and understand the contents of the GITA in the proper manner. Again you must know who is a wise man or a man of wisdom. Anyone can become a man of knowledge, and knowledge is different from wisdom. Knowledge can be gained by vast erudition, hearing, undergoing disciplined scholastic life, and also exposure to discourses, men, and matter. By this alone one cannot be called a wise man. As one advances in age, he is bound to undergo trials and difficulties in life, like sorrow, adversity, enmity, jealousy, bereavements, and so on. These are experiences in life. Such experiences are bound to have a tremendous influence on the man's mental disposition. The knowledge he has already gained blended with such practical experiences makes him wise. Then he can be called a man of wisdom. Such men can interpret and understand Gita in a better way.
"Knowledge is proud that it knows so much;
Wisdom is humble that it knows no more."
Also, there may be some ideas that would be attractive to young minds at the outset.
Therefore, the reader is requested to begin studying this sacred scripture, Gita, with a spirit of respect, reverence, devotion, and above all, good FAITH. By doing so, he will certainly enjoy the real effects of the study of this invaluable teaching.
(To be next post)
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