Traditionally rice is cooked in the afternoon
and excess water is drained. After the rice cools down to room temperature, it
is soaked fully in water and stored in an earthen clay pot. This covered pot
with soaked rice is left overnight at regular room temperature. The rice would
ferment by the next morning and is eaten for breakfast. Traditionally, it is
eaten with a side dish, raw onion or green chili. Some prefer to drain excess
water and eat it with yogurt and a slight sprinkle of salt.
The lactic acid bacteria break down the
anti-nutritional factors in rice resulting in an improved bio-availability of
micro-nutrients and minerals such as iron, potassium and calcium by several
thousand percentage points. For example, after 12 hours of fermentation of 100
grams of rice, the availability of iron changed from 3.4 mg to 73.91mg (an
increase of 2073%).
In the agrarian communities of South East
Asia, fermented rice played a big role in the lives of people. It gave the
energy, the nutrition and the cooling effect that they needed for a full day of
manual labor. Unfortunately, people moving up the food chain (or wealth chain,
rather) looked down on fermented rice as the pauper’s food and ignored the
great nutritional value it provides.
Food scientists who researched on the food
practices among various regions in the
world and concluded that the South Asia’s tradition of consuming the previous
day's cooked rice soaked in plain water overnight, in the morning next day, as
break-fast, is the best. It has the rare B6, B12 vitamins which are not
otherwise easily available in other food supplements. This rice generates and
harbors trillions of beneficial bacteria that help digestion and has many
disease fighting and immunity developing agents. The bacteria that grow in the
intestines due to this rice safeguard the internal organs and keep them fit and
ready. Consuming this rice helps quicker digestion and wards off ageing, bone
related ailments and muscular pains. Brown rice is the best for this as its
nutrients are retained intact.
American Nutrition Association has listed the
following benefits if you stick to the practice of consuming such soaked rice.
• Consuming this rice as breakfast keeps the
body light and also energetic.
• Beneficial bacteria get produced in
abundance for the body.
• Stomach ailments disappear when this is
consumed in the morning as excessive and harmful heat retained in the body is
• As this food is very fibrous, it removes
constipation and also dullness in the body.
• Blood pressure is normalized and
hypertension subsides appreciably.
• Body feels less tired due to this food as a
result of which one feels fresh throughout the day.
• This removes allergy induced problems and
also skin-related ailments.
• It removes all types of ulcers in the body.
• Fresh infections are kept at bay due to
consuming this rice.
• It helps in maintaining youthful and
radiant look.
Consuming this takes away your body’s craving
for tea or coffee. This is the richest source of vitamin B12 for vegans. So, do
not throw away that extra rice you had cooked. It could be the healthiest
breakfast you will ever have.
Are you
Do we need drink that buttermilk like YAKULT anymore!
Note: Information contained above may be authentic or may not be. Readers are requested to consult their Dietitian before consuming.
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